Use Your Fingers

As your hair length changes and the texture may change. And the seasons change it's always good to change a long with it. What worked for you hair when you had it really short may not work for it at shoulder length so you need to adapt.

I have realized that as my hair has gotten longer my detangling routine had to change. I used to detangle with my shower comb and my fingers when my hair was shorter and it worked really well. But now doing that is too much of a hassle, and it causes breakage. So I have realized that finger detangling is what works best.

Finger detangling, what?
It is kinda what the name says; you detangle your hair with your fingers. Why is this so good? Well when you use your fingers you feel all the knots and tangles better and can be more gentle on them while detangling. It's very easy to break your hair when detangling, ripping apart strands of hair that are tangled together 'causes breakage. That's why it's important to detangle gently. Preferably using a conditioner or a oil when doing so. You can also opt to do it on damp hair, but I really recommend using a conditioner or oil since this causes slip which makes it easier to detangle. And when you use your fingers instead of a comb you can feel how tangled your hair is, where the tangle is and if you need to add more conditioner/oil to help the strands to dentangle, a comb doesn't do that.

And anyone can finger detangle, you can do it on your own hair. And if you are a parent you can do it on your child's hair and you can teach your child how to do it!

They really are our best tools! 
And they are free :)

Found this vid on Tumblr after writing this post.
Now, it's kinda long, but if you want more tips then watch it!


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