Braided Extensions On Small Children

Today I saw a little girl, around 1,5-2 years with braided extensions. Her mother was of African descent, and I'm guessing the little girl had a father of European descent by her skin color. She was adorable, running around, care free, like toddlers do. But I couldn't help to get stuck on her hair. Why would you put braid extensions in your small child's hair? If I had a HoH business card with me I would have handed her one, but today I didn't.

There was a lot of debate in the natural hair online community a few months back when picture's of Angelina Jolie's daughter Zahara surfaced with the seven year old wearing braided extensions in her hair. Now I'm not big on celebrity gossip, and I think every mother makes the choices she thinks are best for her child. At least it wasn't a relaxer. If it was a relaxer you would have heard me go on about it. But, why put extensions in a small child's hair? I don't get it! I think, and it may not be true at all, that it comes from a place of ignorance. Maybe these mothers just don't know how to care for their child's hair. Or maybe they just think that extensions is good hair care. I don't know! Either way I don't feel completely ok with it. I wouldn't put extensions or a relaxer or color or anything of the sort in my young child's hair, and that's my personal preference. But that's just me, what do you all think?

On a side note: Right after I saw the girl with extensions I saw a mom with her beautiful little girl in a stroller and this girl had a huge afro! The mom had extensions, but the baby's hair was wild and free. I would have complimented her, but I was having a serious conversation with my own mom on the phone at the time. Next time I see her I'm going to shower her with compliments. :) So cute!!

Love this pic, she's the cutest!


  1. I also wonder if it's ignorance when I see children that age with extensions. I think the notion that it's a good thing to keep your hair locked away for 6 weeks at a time is still held by many, which is shame. Saying that, I'm not a mother so can not imagine the pressure faced when your 5 yr old wants to look just like her school friends. Fingers crossed if the time comes I'll find the strength! Right, that's enough of my rambling! Nice post! X

    1. Thanks for your comment!
      Yes, it's hard when your daughter wants to look like everyone else, but as a parent you have to help her find the way to self love and self acceptance. A life time challenge.

  2. Speaking of kids, I just saw pictures of Lauryn Hill's eldest, Selah Marley, she's a looker! But she's obviously wearing a relaxer in those pictures taken of her. Such a shame.

    Nandi, you really need to start waving that HOH business card in the face of these mom's of "extension haired" kids. Without it coming off as an insult to her parenting. Now that must be a challenge! I guess fun colored hair extensions for kids are alright?

  3. Anonymous17/6/13 18:45

    as long as no damage is done to the child, I say to each his or her own. There are more serious issues that we should be concerned a parent chooses to style her childs hair.....not that serious!!

    1. Thanks for your comment Anon! Yes, there are bigger issues in the world, I agree. But I also feel we as parents should think about the messages we send our children. Extensions on small children can be harmful to their hair line in the long run. And if your hair is always braided up as a child how will you feel about this part of your body? Will you view it as beautiful and love it or will you feel like there's something wrong with it?

  4. So judgmental everyone is!! Sheesh, live and let live. I just braided extensions into my 4 yr old daughters hair because we're going on vaca and I thought it would be fun. I love her hair and I hope she is loving all the different ways she can wear her natural hair! This is just one of many ways. I get it, your natural and self- actualized, right. Take it easy on the rest of us!

    1. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. For me 4 is way too young for extensions. I also wouldn't straighten my daughter's hair at this age. I firstly worry about the long time effects physically on a child's hair as well as how it affects a child's self image. Hair has always been linked to my self image and self worth and for this reason I'm very careful when it comes to altering my own daughter's hair. I am sure that you as a mother make the best choices as you see them for your child and that you mean no harm by them.

  5. I think when hair extention were invented, there was no age limit to determine when one should start wearing them. So it is up to individuals to decide whether they want to braid extention into their child head or not. I concure with someone who said there r more serious issues to be wooried about affecting children.

  6. i put extention in my child hair.. cuz its hair to braid her back hair..makes it easier ...i know she too young but only way to keep her hair done..

  7. Anonymous8/6/14 21:22

    I think braiding a young childs hair is terrible. After wearing braids myself I have many patches of traction alopecia. There is absolutely no way I would inflict the same stupidity on my child.
    If you need a protective style there are many other options.

    My neighbours baby is 16 months and wears braid extensions. I've seen many others do the same. Of course I keep my mouth shut - you can do what you wants with your baby's hair'.

    But on my child's hair NEVER. I hope she grows up and never sees the need to rock anything other than her natural curls. Those little coils are so beautiful - why hide them.

    If you're reading this article because you're considering it - PLEASE DON'T - that's from the big patch of hair missing on the back of my head!

  8. This just seems really negative to me. I was just looking for a tutorial on how to do this for my daughter and then ran into this and Im feeling really judged. I get that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but to judge the decision of other mother so harshly? To call us ignorant? Come on, we are supposed to be supportive of each other. It is not like we are force feeding our children candy and straightening their hair with flat irons. Do you know how often a 2 year old rolls around on the floor? How many things get caught in the beautiful afro of a 1 year old child? to put a childs hair in extensions is to not have to deal with dust and feathers and fur and everything else thats on the ground because children love to explore. something as little as braiding hair extensions shouldn't be the cause of you calling me and any other mother who decides to do this ignorant. I am not leaving this blog post feeling happy at all.

  9. Anonymous6/5/15 04:01

    I am considering putting in braided extensions in my 3 year old's hair. Anything can break your hair off with excessive tension. But day in and day out we tame those big beautiful coily Afros and as mothers we know what our child's hair can withstand as we do ours. So to me it's no biggy. Do as you please.

  10. Anonymous30/7/15 06:01

    This is hilariously stupid. You do know braid extentions is native to africa right? Its their culture. There are so many africans that have their hair rituals and their hair is longer and healthier than the westernized blacks who k ow nothing about their ancestry. I would braid my child's hair if i had one but not too young. But if i saw anothrr baby with braids id prob keep my opinion to myself because its not that serious. Just like a boy with long hair. While i wouldnt do it does it really matter? Black people need to stop being so fussy about hair. Its just hair. Let it go. We have so many things to worry about besides body image. Seriously kids only hate themselves when people tell them their ugly not if they wear their hair a certain way. So just get over it and live life and worry about your own kids head.

  11. WOW!! I'm shocked at a lot of the comments on here!! I have 2 BEAUTIFUL daughters, age 21 and 9. I started putting braids with extensions in my older daughters hair when she was 6. To date she doesn't have weak or broken edges and where she was born with really pretty hair that curls when wet, I chose to do this for ease of care and so as not to be constantly doing something with her hair. She now still wears occasional extensions but loves her natural curls as well or wearing it flat ironed. Her choice. I'm doing the same with my youngest daughter. I do think starting as young as 1 is a bit young, but again , it's a parent's choice. Who are we to judge? As long as we teach our children who they are as African American little ones and display love of your entire being, what we do with their hair or our own is no one's business. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it's really just that.... An opinion and affects the other persons life in no way, shape or form. I love being able to make my own choices and seeing how my oldest daughter is today? Let's me know I did well. Live and let live.


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