Product Selection

There are so many products for our hair these days. And it seems more come every week. When you follow blogs and vlogs so many product names are mentioned and every product that gets great reviews you want. But wait! Don't fill your house with hair products and think that it will be the answer to all your curly hair problems. Of course products are an important part of your journey to healthy hair. But, there are no miracle products. There are no quick fixes. If you are striving for hair health then knowledge is key.

It's easy to get excited by the hype of a product or the results you see in someone else's hair. But try not to rush purchases. We who have been hair bloggers and vloggers generally have been through a lot (of products) to get to where we are. We have learnt from mistakes, done heaps of research and tried different techniques. And how different our hair may be I think many would agree that it's about learning to understand your hair. And having patience. Lots of patience. 

To make product selection easier for your self ask these questions:

1) What is the result I want with this product? 
It's always good to have an idea or a plan. If you are buying a deep conditioner  think about how you want your hair to feel after deep conditioning. If you buy a gel think about how you want your curls to look after the gel is used. This will help you figure out what kind of product you are really looking for and if the product you bought was the right one. 

2) Which ingredients does it contain and how do these generally work with my hair? 
Over time you will learn what works and what doesn't for your hair, knowing what is actually in the products you use will help you figure this out. This will also make future product selection easier as you can rule out products containing ingredients that do not work well for your hair. 

3) What are the reviews on this product? 
Reviews aren't everything but they can be of help. Make sure you don't trust other people's opinions more than your own though. Your hair is unique which means it may not react to a certain product as you expect it to. 

4) Do I own and product like it? Will it be worth the money I have to spend?
If you already have an array of products this question is important. Don't buy twenty deep conditioners that do more or less the same thing. Choose wisely! 

5) Do I really need this product? 
If you are a product junkie this will be the hardest question, lol! If you already have a bathroom cabinet stacked with products then do you really need one more? Use up what you have before you buy more. 

Hope these tips will be helpful! 


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