30 Day Challenge: Loose Curl Enhancer

This product comes from a company I know nothing about called U R Curly. The directions said to use it after shampooing and conditioning your hair, no mention of a leave in conditioner. I was a bit worried, I have to admit, because when I opened the packaging it looked like a gel, and I instantly I worried about it drying out my hair. But I followed the directions and was pleasantly surprised. Once my hair dried it wasn't dry or crunchy, it was pretty soft. A little went a long way, and since the sample was a nice size 52ml (other product companies should follow suit) it lasted a few applications/refreshment sessions.

The reason why I wouldn't buy this product is that I don't feel I need it in my life. Not saying it's a bad product, but I have plenty of products that I love and nothing I want to replace with this product. But I was pleasantly surprised, and this sample introduced me to a new company, which is always good. 


  1. I don't think I've seen this product before either, but I'll keep an eye out the next time I'm in the mood for a product haul x

    1. Thanks for your comment! Let me know how it works out for you!


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