Books from the library

I never thought I'd find books on curly hair at my public library, but I did. :) I just did a search on "curly hair" and these were two of the books that showed up (the others weren't hair related in the way I was looking for). I just have to add that I love the public library, it's awesome! :)

Andre Talks Hair by Andre Walker - Yes, that's Oprah's hair stylist and the guy that came up with the curl classification system (you might have heard natural vblogers talking about 3b or 4). I'm still deciding on this grading curls thing... But that's another post.

Hair Rules by A. Dickey - I've seen people write about this book in the natural hair blogs. I have no clue what it's really about besides curls, kinks and waves (it says so on the cover).

So I'm going to read these books and share their knowledge with you. Watch this space ;)


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