Connection - The Natural Hair Community

Being a part of CinemAfrica's film festival as one of the panelists under the banner Hairitage was amazing. One thing that struck me watching the short films Black Barbie, My Nappy Roots, Negro Hair Petting Zoo, and This Hair of Mine before the panel discussion started was how blessed I felt in that moment. Blessed because I'm on this journey that started with me not liking or understanding my hair to blogging about hair for close to six years and totally knowing how my hair works. Blessed because my hair obsession lead me to the natural hair community in which I have made countless friends and been a part of events I wouldn't have if I never started blogging. I'm connected to more people I was before on a national as well as an international level which is great. I've learned so much from the people I have encountered and become friends with. In that moment it made total sense to me that the theme of this year's film festival was Connection

Panel Discussion: Yaya, me, Lydia, Lyota & Leila

Just like any journey my blog journey and my hair journey have had it's ups and downs. But in the end it has all worked out. I hope that my blog will continue to educate and inspire others. I hope that the natural hair community will continue to grow and empower more people. This community has taught me not only about curl patterns, ingredients lists and protective styles but also about self love and self respect. This trickles down to all areas of my life. Reading ingredient lists got me thinking about all my beauty products as well as my food which has lead me to healthier alternatives. Loving my hair has completed how I feel about myself and my body; it's all love. And by respecting myself and my own choices I can do the same in my relationship with other people. 

It all started with hair but has grown to so much more than hair. It's amazing how things can turn out in the end... It's all connected. 


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