Hair Styles for teens

The teenage years are a special time (and when I say special I mean confusing, frustrating, crazy, fun and exploring). Most of us look back on our teenage years and think I'm glad it happened and I'm glad it's over.
   If your daughter is going through her teenage years and you are trying to find hair styles for her, but the ones that she used to love as a little girl don't quite cut it, then this post is for you. Most teenagers want to fit in and look like the women they see in the media. Now, in mainstream European media most women are light skinned, with blond to brown very straight hair. There may be the occasional waves, but most people do not wear their hair curly. Not even the people that have naturally curly hair wear it curly.

So how do we help our teenage girls to love their curls and not want to get rid of them? How do we help them appreciate their own beauty and learn to love themselves just the way they are?

As a teenager in a mainly Scandinavian society where straight hair is the norm and the celebrities that teenage girls relate to wear straight hair it's not a surprise that many teenage girls want to wear their hair straight. If your daughter does not want to wear her hair short, which is an easy way for her to care for her own hair. Then you can try some styles that let her wear her hair long, and vary the hair styles without wearing it out. I think a lot of curly kids don't wear their hair out because of the fact that it makes the stick out more. Hopefully this will pass as they get older and get more comfortable in their own skin and hair.

Before I get started I want to remind you that good hair care starts with healthy hair. Now, these steps are bascially the same for everyone with natural hair. Check out the For Parents page for more on this.

Now don't overwhelm your child with information, that will put any teen off. Especially coming from their mother. ;) You have to starts somewhere and go slowly. If your child likes to read then try to find a book on natural hair to help her understand her hair. Start with basic stuff; introducing a deep conditioner, giving her a new wide tooth comb and showing her how to use it to detangle, and so on. Some teens are more open to parental interference than others.

Good styles for a teen that wants to wear her hair long.

Braid Out
Check out 007newnew's Channel for more videos.

Mini Twists may also be a good option, since it's a protective style and it gives a "straight hair" feel.
If you are not already familiar with Naptural85's YT Channel be sure to check it out! There you can find great videos of stiles with mini twists and she does have a video on how to wash your mini twists. 

Here's a really nice video showing natural haired celebrities: Natural Hair Celebrities


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