Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

Apple Cider Vineger
One of my favourite natural hair care remedies is the ACV rinse. It's perfect to remove product build up and it leaves your hair soft and shiny. It's real easy to do, and very easy on the wallet.

After your schampooing the hair you need:
1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 cup of water
mix it together and evenly distribute it over your hair.
Let sit for two to three minutes.
Then rinse with cold water. And that's it! :)

I like to use an organic ACV, but any will do. I just try to use as much organic product as possible, both on my hair and in my food. Right now I have "Kung Markatta" ACV, which I think is a Swedish brand (not totally sure), a very good brand for organic food products.
Yes, the ACV doesn't smell that good, but I think the benefits outweigh the smell. And besides, I think it's pretty easily camofloaged by some sweet smelling leave in or something like that. :)


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